We have come to a very important moment for bDollar and for which we are very proud and grateful of the journey we have gone through together with our community, but also extremely excited for the future ahead of us! This is still just the beginning.
We would like to share the important updates we have gone through so far and also a few tidbits that lie ahead for our not so distant future here at bDollar.
Boardroom Updates
During previous contractions, boardroom stakers didn’t get any rewards while (TWAP below 1). But after several updates this has changed to also benefit all the shareholders staked in the boardroom and be rewarded with a very good APR even when in contraction.
Important Updates
- 10% of the BDO from the Bought-Back Fund will be sent to incentivize the boardroom during contractions.
- 5% of the BDO used to purchase bonds are sent to the Boardroom instead of getting burned right away.
- The first 15 minutes at the start of each epoch, all boardroom stakers are allowed to use their pending boardroom rewards to purchase bonds with no lockups nor tax applied.
- 5% tax will be charged (to burn) from the claimed BDO rewards if TWAP is within range (1.00, 1.025) and 10% if TWAP is less than 0.998.
Will get implemented very soon, helping to ease into the expansion phase quicker helping us to grow and mature the platform even more.
bLending Beta
We are very close to the launch our very own lending platform within our bEarn Ecosystem, having the following assets enabled at launch:
- bDollar (BDO)
- bDollar (sBDO)
- bDollar Bonds (bBDO)
- Boardroom Stake LP (xsBDO)
- bdoVDOLLAR LP tokens
We fork the Compound Protocol with improvements — BFI stakeroom (and probably bDollar Boardroom) will get incentive from bLending fee.
Estimated Date for Beta to go live on the 04/15/2021
New UI
Telegram: https://t.me/Bearn_Fi
Discord: https://discord.gg/j2TRcSHRe3
Medium: https://medium.com/@bearn.defi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bDollar_Fi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BearnFi
Mail: contact@bearn.fi
Website: https://bdollar.fi/
Boardroom: https://bdollar.fi/boardroom
Shares: https://bdollar.fi/shares
Docs: https://docs.bdollar.fi
Audit: https://certik.org/projects/bdollar
Lottery: https://bdollar.fi/lottery
bVaults: https://bvaults.fi/
bLucky.games: https://blucky.games/
bEarn.fi: https://bearn.fi/