Bearn Fi Launchs Farming Liquidity Pool on Uniswap and Value Liquid FaaS Pool

2 min readNov 30, 2020


FaaS — Farming as a Service

We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with Value DeFi protocol to launch one of the Bearn Fi liquidity mining programs using the one-click solution of Value Liquid technology.

We will distribute 7,000 BFIE tokens using Value Liquid over the next 25 weeks. The initial pool with details as follows:

BFIE <> VALUE at a 70/30 Ratio

The BFIE <> VALUE 70/30 pool was selected in order to honor the partnership between our two projects. This pool will run initially for 25 weeks and distribute a total of X BFIE Tokens.

25% of tokens staked during the stated period will be unlocked immediately for claiming. The other 75% tokens will be unlocked after 25 weeks, then unlocked linearly every block for 10 days.

Liquidity FaaS:

BFIE contract:


Uniswap pair info:

Univ2 Add liquidity:

Starting at November 30, 2020

Block timer:

The program was designed to be conservative, stable, and sustainable. In our models: Our Assumed Spot Price would be $15 and $50,000 in Total Value Locked in the pool when running our Yield-Earning estimates.

The Bearn Fi Governance Board reserves the right to renew the VALUE Pools after the original 20 weeks periods and may also contribute additional BFIE Tokens to the VALUE DeFi Program for Pool as they see fit at a later date.

About Bearn Fi

Bearn Fi is a cross-chain product in Decentralized Finance (DeFi) that at its core provides yield generation, casino/gaming aggregation, bridge, treasury and governance on multi-chain: Binance Smart Chain blockchain (BSC) and Ethereum blockchain.

The protocol is developed by various independent factors within the cryptocurrency space. Management of the protocol is governed by BFI and BFIE (BFI token on Ethereum blockchain) holders.

About Value DeFi Protocol

The Value DeFi protocol is a platform and suite of products that aim to bring fairness, true value, and innovation to Decentralized Finance. Their flagship products include Value Liquid, an automated market-maker built on Ethereum that allows anyone to create trading pools with flexible ratio pairs, add liquidity, and earn trading fees, and Value Vaults, state-of-the-art multi-strategy yield-optimizers that allow unprecedented composability and flexibility of LP assets to maximize returns.

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